The loud thud and screech of brakes awoke me from my deep
sleep, as the planes wheels hit the runway, with vigorous force. The adrenalin
rushed through me as the plane travelled down the runway coming to an abrupt holt. We had finally made it to
Christchurch after a very early morning start on a beautiful spring day. My
strenuous training had finally paid off as I was here to compete in the under
fifteen year old female road race which was being held at Darfield the next day.
My support group consisting of my mother and
two sisters Jade and Jasmine and also my dearest nana had all
accompanied me to encourage me
throughout the approaching event.
We picked up our rental car which mum had already organised
prior to our arrival and after loading all our luggage into the gleaming four
wheel drive we made our way through the hectic streets to our motel which we
were staying at on the outskirts of the C.B.D. On our way to our motel we
stopped and purchased some food to eat
during our stay. My eyes drank in the beautiful architecture that Christchurch
had to offer. I was mesmerised by the historical buildings and the sparkling
river AVON that cascaded through the suburbs of Christchurch. Upon arriving at
our motel we unpacked our luggage and settled in for an early and peaceful night as I needed all my strength for my impending
race the next morning.
Boom!!! OMG WHAT WAS THAT! My heart was in my throat as I
leapt out of bed like a frightened Gazelle, oblivious to what was happening. I
met my mum in the lounge, her terrified eyes looking around for the rest of the
family. The thundering and rumbling continued around us and my mum exclaimed “
I think a plane has crashed into our motel, we had better get out of here quickly
”. We all raced to the nearest exit, the front ranch sliders, and discovered a
large amount of debri blocking our escape. The ear piercing screams from
traumatised people echoed through the early morning air and clouds of dust
filled my nostrils and irritated my eyes as we clambered up the bricks that had
fallen in a large heap in front of our motel. We went to the centre court yard
of the motel where other quests had already gathered. “Its an earthquake” cried
one of the other guests. We stood there in total shock glued to the spot as the
angry earth moaned and groaned beneath us. My bleeding feet started to hurt and I began to shiver as I was
standing there in only my pyjamas. Everything had happened so suddenly ,I was
still trying to get my head around what had just happened. I glanced at my
watch an discovered it was just after 4.35 am. The main thing was my family were all safe although my nana was
complaining of feeling sick and chest pains. We stood there for what seemed
like hours until the early morning dawn broke. As the sun emerged we saw the
devastation the earthquake had left in its path. We could hear sirens wailing
in the distance as blackened smoke
wafted into the air. A distressed lady from the neighbouring house appeared in
our courtyard looking for her chimney that had fallen from the top of her house. It had
landed in front of our room and it was then that I realised that we were so
lucky to be alive and only mildly injured.
“We have to get out of here” my mum shrieked. We climbed through
the rubble back into our motel unit and gathered all our possessions and made
our way to our unharmed vehicle. Everything seemed surreal as we drove through
the broken and twisted streets and we saw many people outside observing the
horrific damage to their properties. Liquefaction submerged many properties and also the
streets ,making it extremely difficult for my mother drive us safely away from
the shaken up city. We travelled in
silence as we headed south having no plans on where we were going. Travel was
very slow as many other petrified citizens were fleeing the area. After a few
hours we arrived in Ashburton hungry and
thirsty not knowing what to do. We found a bakery and had to cue for over an
hour to be served as many other famished people were also waiting to be served.
My nana did not want anything to eat as she was still feeling ill and
complaining of chest pain. While eating our food in the car we were listening
to the news bulletins on the radio about the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that had
devastated Christchurch. Thankfully there were no reported deaths or not to many
serious injuries. After we started to
get our heads around what had happened
we decided to head back to Christchurch to see if our motel was still habitable, as we needed somewhere to stay
the night as the airport was closed and we wouldn’t be able to fly out until
the following morning.
As mum parked the vehicle outside our motel unit I could
feel my body tense up with fright as I remembered the horrendous night before. We
went to the motel office to ask if the
room was still safe to stay in, which it was however I didn’t want to stay in
this city again as i could feel many aftershocks convulsing from the earth and
I did not want a repeat from the night before. We slept in our clothes prepared
for whatever may be in store for us that
upcoming night .I didn’t sleep a wink as might heart raced with anxiety and I
was also worried about my nana.
We were all up at the crack of dawn, anxious to get out of
this churned up city, back to stable land. Our bags loaded into our car, we
battled our way through the crazy streets to the airport. Thankfully the
airport had reopened and our flight was leaving on time as every aftershock we
feared for our lives, frightened we would have to go through the repercussions
of the morning before. The sound of the engines
starting up brought me a sense relief , I knew my family was finally out of
danger. After arriving to Auckland my nana was still un well so we took her to
the nearest doctors where we discovered she had suffered a heart attack from
the fright she had experienced from the earthquake. She was rushed to hospital
in a ambulance were she stayed in hospital for over a week were she recovered from
her ordeal. I felt so sorry for the people of Christchurch knowing many people’s
homes and businesses were destroyed and I hope to never have to go through an
experience like that again.
This is based on a true story
Words = 1,160
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