Tuesday, 3 April 2012


This term has been really fun. I have made new friends and caught up with old ones. I have a lot more confidence this year than last year. Meeting new people in my class was great, meeting new teachers that I have never had before. It has been a bit difficult remembering my classes but after a few weeks i managed to remember my timetable. I really like all of my teachers this year. This year i feel a lot more connected to my whanau group and tutor. I have made new friends with many year 9's and cant wait to make more. I have also become more involved in my tutor group in activities. I am excited to find out what I will face next term and experience.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to hear you are enjoying school. I have enjoyed getting to know you a little bit this term too.
    Have a great break!
